The clerk of the county court or his or her designee shall serve as secretary of the county equalization board of his or her county and shall keep a complete and accurate journal of its proceedings and perform such other duties as maybe by law required by the county equalization board. In addition, within ten (10) days after the appointment of the county equalization board for the clerk of the county court’s county, the clerk of the county court or his or her designee shall file from time to time with the Assessment Coordination Department a statement showing the name and address of each member of the county equalization board. When any change in the personnel of the county equalization board is made, the clerk of the county court shall immediately so advise.
Equalization Board Members of Independence County, Arkansas, are as follows:
Appointed by County Judge:
Parmer Hankins
59 Main Street
Oil Trough, AR 72564
Selected by School Districts:
Gary Anderson
100 Chamblee Dr.
Southside, AR 72501
Selected by Cities and Incorporated Towns:
Arthur Montgomery
1410 Case St.
Batesville, AR 72501
Selected by Quorum Court:
Darrell Robertson
3950 Bethesda Road
Batesville, AR 72501
Tony Mary
29 Inman Lane
Batesville, AR 72501